"Reclaim the Bay"
Innovation Challenge
** Congratulations to Team BayBucks
on winning the Governor's Cup! **
Read more about all the projects
The Challenge, created by Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley and DataBay partners, invited participants to create data-driven applications to increase public engagement and aid in Chesapeake Bay restoration. During the weekend, the Challenge brought participants together with prominent environmental “futurists” who described some of the Chesapeake Bay’s challenges and needs. In addition, environmental scientists from SERC, the Maryland Department of the Environment and the EPA were on hand to offer their expertise. Participants worked on their own ideas or one of the challenges posted by our partners. They had access to a broad variety of robust data about the Chesapeake Bay, including decades of water samples from hundreds of locations describing everything from what fish to eat, to where to swim safely and what water bodies are under pollution restrictions.
Follow @databay_md to stay updated
Optional Tour of Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC)
Welcome and Introductions
Inspiration from our Futurists
Team Formation + Start Working
Full Day of Teams Working
Idea Pitches
Optional Tutorials (Socrata, iMap, EPA APIs)
Optional Trail Walk
Team Presentations + Judging
Team Finalists Awarded
Finalists' Presentations
Maryland State House
Annapolis, MD
By Invitation Only

Peyton Robertson
Director, NOAA's Chesapeake Bay Office
Peyton Robertson has been Director of NOAA's Chesapeake Bay Office since August 2007. This One NOAA office is located in Annapolis, Maryland, and supports the protection and restoration of the Chesapeake Bay, the Nation's largest estuary. Peyton joined NCBO in 2002 as the Deputy Director and liaison with NOAA's National Ocean Service. Prior to that, he worked for the NOS Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management, leading NOAA's coastal nonpoint pollution control program. He has supported several agency initiatives, including the NOAA Program Review and development of the Ocean Research Priorities Plan. His first real job was as a field educator and naturalist, working for the Chesapeake Bay Foundation. The latest and greatest from NOAA is the Chesapeake Bay Interpretive Buoy System. Buoys are at 11 locations around the Bay and update meteorological data every 10 minutes and wave, current, and water-quality data every hour. All data is available via website, mobile apps, toll-free phone number, data download and API.

Antonio J. Busalacchi
Director, University of Maryland's Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center (ESSIC)
Antonio (Tony) Busalacchi is the Director of the University of Maryland’s Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center (ESSIC), a Professor in the Department of Atmospheric & Oceanic Science, and the Chair of the University of Maryland Council on the Environment. Tony came to ESSIC in 2000, after serving as Chief of the NASA/Goddard Laboratory for Hydrospheric Processes. His interests include the study of climate variability and prediction, tropical ocean modeling, ocean remote sensing, and data assimilation. His research in these areas has supported a range of international and national research programs dealing with global change and climate, particularly as affected by the oceans.
AT&T is the *only* cell service that works at SERC.
Wi-fi will be available but we may push it to capacity. Wired ethernet access will also be available. Please bring an ethernet adapter if you need one. We will have a few to borrow.
Sorry, but the network will *not* work with WinXP machines.
Display Dongles
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Where is the event?
On August 1-3, DataBay will take place in the Mathias Laboratory on the Main Campus of the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC) - 674 Contees Wharf Road, Edgewater, MD, 21037. Once you have arrived at SERC, there will be signs to guide you.
Are there overnight accomdations?
No, there are no overnight accommodations for this event. There are several hotels within 20 minutes of SERC.
How many people can be on a team?
Teams can have an unlimited number of members. We encourage individuals to team-up. If you do not have a team, we can help you find one at the event.
What are some ideas to work on?
Challenges and possible ideas to work can be found here. For more inspiration, check out these data resources.
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Teams will use the DataBay ChallengePost site to submit their entries. To get a head start, create a ChallengePost account now.
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The list of judges and the judging criteria are available on the DataBay ChallengePost site.